Quality policy & health and safety

Quality Policy


DMR Ergonomics SRL is committed to providing products which meet and surpass client’s expectations in terms of quality of design, manufacture and reliability. The company will ensure that we comply with legal and other requirements relating to our products and services in each geographic market that in which we operate.

Quality objectives

We have established quality objectives which are subject to regular review to ensure that they remain up to date.

  • To satisfy client requirements and get things right first time.
  • To maintain a level of quality which enhances the company’s reputation.
  • To correct quality errors as soon as possible
  • To monitor sub-contractors’ performance so that quality that is consistent with our requirements.

Communication and training

Management and Workers have a joint responsibility to keep up to date with current quality policy. All workers receive training at induction and at regular intervals to ensure an understanding of quality and its impact on client satisfaction and the future success of the company.

Updating this policy

The company monitors the effectiveness and reviews the implementation of this policy at appropriate intervals.

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Statement of general policy:

DMR Ergonomics SRL is committed to providing a work environment that is safe and healthy for all employees and those affected by our activities. The company’s operations shall be carried out so as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the Health and Safety of any person will not be adversely affected.

DMR Ergonomics SRL in order to comply with current EU regulations will:

  • Identify hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures.
  • Provide and maintain plant and equipment with systems that are safe and without risk to health, a safe place of work and a safe system of work.
  • Ensure that effective planning, control, and monitoring of all sites are maintained.
  • Make sure we have effective arrangements in place to deal with injuries and reduce the effects of any incidents that could result in injury, ill health or damage to the environment.
  • Ensure that technical competence is maintained through the provision of training as appropriate.
  • Promote awareness of health and safety and of good practice through the effective communication and relevant information.
  • So far as reasonably practicable ensure that satisfactory support required to meet these objectives is provided.

All employees have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of anyone else who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees must also co-operate with the company in its arrangements to meet statutory safety obligations.

This Policy is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by the Management Team as required. workplaces and to give advice on the requirements of the relevant statutory provisions and safety matters generally.

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